Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter
Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter
Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter Helix-Buersten und Lichtsignalempfaenger
Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter Wasserauslass und Steuerung
Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter Filtersieb
Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter Ladestation
Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter Zuebhoer
Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ Akku Poolroboter Zuebhoer handlich

Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ - The intelligent battery-powered pool robot

Sale price€1.799,00 Regular price€1.899,00
Save €100,00

✅2,5 Stunden Akkulaufzeit
✅ hohe Reinigungskraft
✅ aktive App-Steuerung
✅ für alle Pools geeignet

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Are you tired of tedious pool cleaning and tangled cables?

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ battery-powered pool robot is the solution you have been looking for! No more annoying cables in the pool and hours of manual cleaning.

It's time to give your pool the cleaning it deserves!

With the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ you get a battery-powered pool robot in a class of its own that cleans the floor, walls and even the waterline of your pool with strong suction power and high precision.

Thanks to the remote control, you have full control over cleaning and can also intervene manually underwater.

Suitable for all pool shapes with straight walls and all surfaces, including steps. Experience the future of pool cleaning!

Imagine yourself sitting relaxed at the edge of the pool while the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ brings your pool to a shine. No more wasting time on tedious cleaning - instead enjoy maximum relaxation and crystal clear water in your pool. Let the robot do the hard work while you enjoy the benefits of your pool.

Put an end to time-consuming pool cleaning and invest in your relaxation. Order the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ today and experience the future of pool cleaning in your own home!

If you would like to find out more about pool robots, we recommend our pool robot buying guide . And for the battery models, my battery pool robot overview.

It is suitable for:

  • For pools with straight walls
  • All pool shapes
  • All floor types and surfaces
  • Size up to 12 x 6 m (as a guide, see more in the question about pool size )
  • Cleaning the floor, walls and waterline

Product advantages of the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ:

✔ Wireless freedom: No annoying cables in the pool
✔ Ultimate cleaning: floor, walls and waterline are thoroughly cleaned
✔ Easy to use: Manual control underwater with remote control possible
✔ Versatile: Suitable for all pool shapes and surfaces including steps
✔ Premium quality: High-quality battery pool robot for demanding pool owners

Product description of the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ:

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ is the ultimate pool robot for those who value impeccable cleanliness and ultimate convenience. With its wireless technology, the freerider can move freely in the pool without being restricted by annoying cables. Thanks to its intelligent design, it cleans the floor, walls and waterline of your pool with strong suction and high thoroughness.

With its remote control, you can even control the Freerider manually under water to specifically remove stubborn dirt. Suitable for all pool shapes with straight walls and surfaces including steps, the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ is the perfect choice for discerning inground pool owners who want effortless pool cleaning. Treat yourself and your pool to the luxurious care it deserves - with the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ.

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ requires very little space. Its robust lithium-ion battery provides a complete cleaning process of 2 hours and 30 minutes and can be fully charged in just 5 hours.

The iAquaLink® app offers an intuitive interface that makes it possible to track cleaning progress, receive notifications and even perform remote updates.

With its innovative lift system, which is controlled via the remote control, the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ is child's play to lift out of the water even after the cleaning process.

The patented cyclone technology guarantees impressive performance and a long service life. With the Helix rotating brushes, the generous suction opening and the two-stage filtration, even the finest dirt is efficiently picked up.

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ, with its caterpillar drive, is the perfect solution for cleaning swimming pools of all shapes and sizes. With advanced sensors, it guarantees comprehensive and efficient cleaning of the entire pool.

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ impresses with its innovative technology. With a control screen you always keep track of the battery status, select the cleaning mode and start cleaning. The remote control not only allows manual control of the device, but also access to the lift system.

Description of the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ:

  • Battery pool robot
  • Cleaning areas: 1) floor only; 2) Floor + Walls + Waterline; 3) Smart (via app); 4) waterline only (via app)
  • Number and duration of cleaning cycles: floor only lasts 90 minutes; Floor, walls and waterline takes 150 minutes
  • Movement: pre-programmed
  • Charging station: included
  • Brushes: Helix brushes, front and back
  • Universal hook for removal from the water: yes
  • Transparent filter cover: yes
  • Remote control via app: yes
  • Replaceable battery: yes
  • Remote control: for additional manual control

Technical data of the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ:

  • Battery life of the lithium-ion battery: 2h 30 min
  • Charging time: 5h
  • Number of engines: 3
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 43 x 40 x 30 cm
  • Weight: 9kg
  • Cleaning cycles: floor only; floor + walls + waterline; Smart (via app), waterline only (via app)
  • Two-stage filtering: 150μ and 60μ
  • Filter area: 1,066 cm²
  • Filter basket capacity: 4 liters
  • Cleaning width: 23 cm
  • Battery: 25.4V
  • Battery capacity: 10,000mAh
  • Drive system: caterpillar tracks
  • Transmission: gearbox
  • Safety systems: stranding system, dry running protection, electronic protection of the engines

Equipment included:

  • Charging station
  • Universal hook for removal from the water
  • Filter baskets 150 μ and 60 μ, for double filtration
  • free iAquaLink™ app
  • remote control


3-year warranty when registering the pool robot with the iAquaLink™ app.

Questions and answers about the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ battery-powered pool robot:

Can the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ be used in a saltwater pool?

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ cordless pool robot is suitable for use in salt water. However, after use, it is recommended to rinse it thoroughly with clean, chlorinated water to prevent possible corrosion.

Can the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ be used in a stainless steel pool?

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ is generally suitable for use in stainless steel pools. However, there are two important points to note. Firstly, performance can be affected if the water parameters are not optimal and the pool walls become slippery. Secondly, there is a risk that small particles, such as stones, become trapped in the caterpillars, which can then damage the stainless steel of the pool.

How long does it take for the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ battery to be fully charged?

The charging time for a full charge is approximately 5 hours.

How long can the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ be used with a fully charged battery?

With one battery charge, the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ can complete a full cleaning cycle of up to 2.5 hours. When assessing the appropriate pool size, the area (m²) plays a crucial role, as the pool robot works independently of the dimensions of the pool.

Can the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ also clean steps in an in-ground pool?

The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ cordless pool robot is equipped with a crawler drive that allows it to effortlessly climb steps in built-in pools and clean thoroughly.

How can I get the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ out of the pool?

There are two practical ways to take the Zodiac Freerider RFR 5600 iQ out of the water.

Firstly, you can use the lift system, which is conveniently controlled via the remote control.

Secondly, if the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ battery is exhausted, the device automatically moves to the pool wall. The Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ comes with a universal hook that can be used to easily lift the battery-powered pool robot out of the water.

Why is the charging station of the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ at an angle?

The charging station of the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ is slanted so that the remaining water can flow out of the battery pool robot during the charging process.

Now it's your turn.

Invest in the care of your pool and order the Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ today!

Fragen und Antworten zu dem Akku Poolroboter Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ:

Fragen rund um die Technik

Der Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ kann mit vollgeladenem Akku einen kompletten Reinigungszyklus eingesetzt werden. Insgesamt bis zu 2,5

Dementsprechend ist bei der Beurteilung der möglichen
Poolgröße die Fläche entscheidend, da es dem Poolroboter egal ist, welche Länge und Breite der Pool hat.

Die Ladedauer bis zum vollständigen Aufladen beträgt circa 4 Stunden.

Das Aufladen erfolgt auf der Ladestation.

Ja, der Akku Poolroboter Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ kann mit seinem Raupenantrieb auch Treppenstufen in einem Einbaupool hochfahren und
diese reinigen.

Dafür gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten.

Wenn der Akku des Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ noch geladen ist, dann fährt der Freerider die Poolwand hoch, sendet ein Signal an die App
und kann dann aus dem Wasser genommen werden.

Wenn der Akku des Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ leer ist, dann fährt der Freerider unten an die Poolwand. Im Lieferumfang von dem Zodiac
Freerider RF 5600 iQ ist ein Universalhaken. Mit diesem kann der Akku
Poolroboter dann aus dem Wasser gezogen werden.

Die angegebene maximale Akkulaufzeit bezieht sich auf ideale Bedingungen. Das heißt, alle zusätzlichen Anstrengungen und Hindernisse, die der Akku Poolroboter bewältigen muss, verkürzen die Akkulaufzeit.

Zu den Punkten, die am häufigsten die Akkulaufzeit
verkürzen, zählen:

  • Viele Partikel im Wasser: Ein verstopfter oder ineffizienter
    Filter erhöht den Widerstand, wodurch der Roboter mehr Energie benötigt.
  • Wasserqualität nicht optimal, Boden und Wände sind glitschig
  • Reibung und Widerstand: Wenn der Poolboden rau ist oder die Neigung der Wände steil ist, muss der Roboter mehr Energie aufwenden.
  • Akkus funktionieren bei extremen Temperaturen (sehr heiß
    oder sehr kalt) weniger effizient. Wenn der Roboter bei hohen Außentemperaturen oder kaltem Wasser betrieben wird, kann dies die Laufzeit verringern.

Die Ladestation des Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ ist schräg, damit während des Ladevorgangs das restliche Wasser aus dem Akku Poolroboter
fließen kann.

Ja, der Akku Poolroboter Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ kann in
Salzwasser eingesetzt werden, allerdings sollten Sie ihn danach mit klarem Wasser (normalem gechlortem Wasser) abspülen, um Korrosion zu vermeiden.

An und für sich kann der Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ in einem Edelstahlpool eingesetzt werden. Allerdings ist es nur bedingt zu empfehlen, aus zwei Gründen.

Erstens können die Wände glitschig werden, wenn die Wasserwerte nicht richtig eingestellt sind. Dann tut der Freerider sich schwer.

Zweitens kann es passieren, dass sich in den Raupen kleine Partikel festsetzen (kleine Steinchen), die dann den Edelstahl zerkratzen.

Fragen rund um den Kauf

In der Regel haben wir den Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ lieferbereit bei uns im Shop, so dass wir den Poolroboter spätestens am nächsten Werktag versenden können.

Die Versanddauer hängt dann ab vom Lieferort, wir versenden mit DHL.

Wir versenden den Zodiac Freerider RF 5600 iQ mit DHL.

Wir akzeptieren bei uns im Shop alle gängigen Bezahlmethoden wie PayPal, Kreditkarten, Apple Pay und Google Pay, aber auch Klarna Rechnungskauf und Klarna Ratenzahlung.

Ja, Sie haben bei uns 14 Tage Widerrufsrecht beim Kauf des Freeriders.

Begeisterte Freerider Kunden:

Der ist ja richtig klasse! Der Freerider begeistert mich, weil er sehr sorgfältig und gründlich arbeitet, einfach zu handhaben ist und keinen Kabelsalat macht. Der Freerider funktioniert viel besser als unser alter, einfacher Poolroboter! Jeder Euro von der Investition hat sich gelohnt!

Alex Rinkel